Not to interject to much into this conversation, but I am fearful of calling 
GC.Collect() automatically too much.  For example, I find the magnetic field 
sensor to basically take over my htc evo when I am getting change events.  I 
realize that you aren't talking about called a .Collect() on every change 
event.  My concern is that something that fires so often, adding the .Collect 
will just result in even worse performance.  Granted, I am not privy to the 
source and have other things to do if I was, so take what I have said for what 
it is worth.
Maybe this is a good time for Xamarin to explain the intricacies of the Mono 
for Android GC?


> From:
> Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2012 10:00:22 -0500
> To:
> Subject: Re: [mono-android] Excessive JNI global references (2001) on hardware
> On Feb 3, 2012, at 7:54 AM, PVoLan wrote:
> > Please, look at this test case
> Your sample is is largely a simplified version of:
> The current "fix" (workaround) is to dispose of `val` within 
> SensorListener.OnSensorChanged():
>       public void OnSensorChanged (SensorEvent e)
>       {
>               var val = e.Values;
>               try {
>                       Android.Util.Log.Info("-------------","Works for: " + 
> (DateTime.Now - created));
>                       Android.Util.Log.Info("-------------",string.Format("X: 
> {0} Y: {1} Z: {2}", val[0], val[1], val[2] ));
>               } finally {
>                       ((IDisposable) val).Dispose ();
>               }
>       }
> A future release will improve matters by automatically calling GC.Collect() 
> when we pass a certain gref threshold, but even that fix may not be ideal as 
> it may result in too many collections (e.g. if you have an animation loop, 
> you want to control when the GC runs), so explicitly disposing of wrappers 
> may still be required even after the implicit GC.Collect() call is in place.
>  - Jon
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