Just a little update (if you're yet looking a way to show pdf in your
app without third party applications)

Looking around i've founded poppler.

Poppler is a library, based on xpdf, that support rendering ti image
buffers (this mean that you can do full page render or partial page
render, to avoid drawing unchanged parts on an image buffer handled
directly by android) this means that with few C code (for a jni bridge
that let you to use poppler) you can render pdf on android.

I've founded the following project on code.google.com apdfviewer that
use poppler to do this, here the file to source code repository that
handle pdf rendering on an android image buffer (you need to interface
with skia, the low level android rendering library, something like

However, consider that poppler is under GPLv2 so your code need to be
GPLv2: it doesn't means that it's free but that you need to give the
code to the customer. If this is a problem, you can't use poppler.

Btw, you can however use apdfviewer as external application, may be
using tabactivity as suggested by Jonathan

How this is useful :)

2012/1/13 Jonathan Pryor <j...@xamarin.com>:
> On Jan 13, 2012, at 3:50 AM, Marc Reiter wrote:
>> @Jonathan: I 'didn't get it? Should I use an Intent, or do you think this is 
>> a poor solution?
> It's more a general complaint about Android in general, and one that appears 
> to have been fixed on my N1, at least for web pages and PDF files.
> As for whether it's a "poor solution" or not, that depends upon your use 
> case. It might be a perfectly valid solution, though (again, on my N1) PDF 
> files load within QuickOffice, and I don't know if that will be present on 
> all Android devices or not.
> I'd still suggest sticking with the intent, and if back button behavior 
> doesn't match your requirements, use a TabActivity to host the PDF content. 
> This would allow you to use an existing PDF display app (if one is present), 
> while allowing you more control over the display.
>> Is it possible to link other Andriod Libraries to Mono for Android?
> Yes, but presently it's tedious, requiring that you either write Java code 
> and include the Java code in your build process, or use 
> Android.Runtime.JNIEnv to invoke members.
>  - Jon
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Daniele Salvatore Albano
IT Consultant
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