Simple Cursor Adapter inherits the CursorAdapter where the docs the following sentences say:
Class Overview Adapter that exposes data from a Cursor to a ListView widget. The Cursor must include a column named "_id" or this class will not work. so you can use: String CREATED - The date the item created, in milliseconds since the epoch. String DATE - The date the item was last visited, in milliseconds since the epoch. I haven't tested it but it is worth a try. Enrico Re: SimpleCursorAdapter & Managed Query Dec 21, 2011; 11:27am — by Dragos Pop > It seems that at "Java" level, the SimpleCursorAdapter needs a key field > called _id. See also > -- View this message in context: Sent from the Mono for Android mailing list archive at _______________________________________________ Monodroid mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE INFORMATION: