I've seen several similar issues on this topic, but the only solution seems
to be "wait for the next version." I am running the latest 4.0 build, but I
keep seeing the following problem:

I have a worker thread that is randomly crashing and taking down the whole
app with it. I don't get any exception in the logs, and I am unable to trap
it with try/catch blocks. This thread does some web service work, disk
access, db access, and some bitmap manipulation. The only consistent thing
I can see in the logs is a GC_EXPLICIT that occurs right before the crash.
Note that other such calls execute fine on that thread, but the last call
on the thread is always a GC_EXPLICIT.

I'm having trouble making progress on it because I don't really know where
to start looking. It seems like it might be GC related, but I can't say
that for sure. Also, a simple test app doesn't seem to be an option because
the thread apparently needs to be heavily bogged down to see the problem.

Anyone got any ideas?
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