I am pretty new to monodroid compared to monotouch which I've been using for
quite some time, so bear with me if this is a somewhat stupid/newbie

I've been trying to compile older sample code and projects with latest
versions of monodroid, but end up with problems like; 

"The type `Android.App.Application' does not contain a constructor that
takes `1' arguments (CS1729) " when I try to build older projects.

public class Conf : Application
        public static Conf Current { get; private set; }

        public Conf (IntPtr handle) : base(handle)
            Current = this;

Xhanging the constructor with parameters for
Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership does not work either.. 

Some of these samples (like monospace11) is from july, so their not *really*
that old. So my concern is; how backwards compatible is monodroid? 

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