I'm getting the following warning when I have some fragments defined in a 
layout.  My guess is that this is an issue with the verification of the .axml 
file as oppossed to any really issue since this code does work in my app.

Warning    1    The element 'LinearLayout' has invalid child element 
'fragment'. List of possible elements expected: 'GLSurfaceView, AdapterView, 
AdapterViewAnimator, AutoCompleteTextView, MediaController, TextView, 
FragmentBreadCrumbs, AppWidgetHostView, GestureOverlayView, ExtractEditText, 
KeyboardView, RSSurfaceView, RSTextureView, SurfaceView, TextureView, 
ViewGroup, ViewStub, WebView, AbsListView, AbsSeekBar, AbsSpinner, 
AbsoluteLayout, AdapterViewFlipper, AnalogClock, Button, CalendarView, 
CheckBox, CheckedTextView, Chronometer, CompoundButton, DatePicker, 
DialerFilter, DigitalClock, EditText, ExpandableListView, FrameLayout, Gallery, 
GridLayout, GridView, HorizontalScrollView, ImageButton, ImageSwitcher, 
ImageView, LinearLayout, ListView, MultiAutoCompleteTextView, NumberPicker, 
ProgressBar, QuickContactBadge, RadioButton, RadioGroup, RatingBar, 
RelativeLayout, ScrollView, SearchView, SeekBar, SlidingDrawer, Space, Spinner, 
StackView, Switch, TabHost, TabWidget, TableLayout, TableRow, TextSwitcher, 
TimePicker, ToggleButton, TwoLineListItem, VideoView, ViewAnimator, 
ViewFlipper, ViewSwitcher, ZoomButton, ZoomControls'.    
C:\Users\wallym\Documents\Mono for Android 
Book\Tablets\HCFragmentSearch\HCFragmentExample\Resources\Layout\Main.axml    7 
   4    HCFragmentExample

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