On Nov 20, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Steven Pack wrote:
> I have an activity defined thus:
>       [Activity (Label = "My App")]
>       [IntentFilter (new[]{Intent.ActionView}, 
>       DataScheme="",
>       DataHost="",
>       DataPath="/")]  
>       public class MyActivity : Activity
>       {}

Incredibly, the Google docs are helpful here: 

        A URI is specified by separate attributes for each of its parts:

                scheme://host:port/path or pathPrefix or pathPattern

        These attributes are optional, but also mutually dependent: If a scheme 
is not specified for the intent filter, all the other URI attributes are 

So it doesn't work for you because DataScheme is "", and the scheme must be 
specified or else the entire URI pattern is ignored.

> The links show up as clickable, so far so good. However, the content of my 
> links are like:
> Here is a link to: <a href="/blah">blah<a>
> I can't figure out how to match the resulting Intent resolution to my 
> activity. I've tried a few combinations of DataScheme/DataHost/DataPath and 
> with/without Categories. Any chance of matching that without having to modify 
> the html itself?

Unfortunately, based on the above I believe that you'll need to modify the HTML 
itself to (at minimum) include some scheme, e.g. app-scheme://blah.

 - Jon

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