> We're wondering why you need polling access to the stream.
> InputStream.available() is documented as not being very useful:
I'm not sure why android's version of javadoc includes this passage. But
from common sense - the available() method's efficiency depends etirely on
the underlying implementation. And in case of network streams and bluetooth
streams (which are BTW essentially the same nature) - data availability
check is a common sence. Even .net's NetworkStream has its DataAvailable.

I mean yes, think I can workaround this by creating a separate thread and
data queue (or using BeginRead), and essentially implementing my own
buffering logic and available() check. But thats just another layer over
the data stream abstraction - because network and bluetooth streams are for
sure already contains internal queue/buffer.

> In particular, is there a reason you don't want to use Stream.BeginRead()
> or some other async mechanism? Why do you need polling?
> We need polling because our current interaction model is based on polling.

> If there's a good need for polling, we're considering providing a `bool
> DataAvailable(this Stream stream)` extension method (thus translating the
> dubious `int` InputStream.available() return value into a `bool`, and this
> mechanism could also check for NetworkStream  and return
> NetworkStream.DataAvailable), but before we provide this we'd like to know
> how useful it actually is.

Think thats logical to provide access to the information underlying stream
already has. I was just surprised abit that no direct api mapping was done
here. I understand InputStream and IO.Stream are different, but still.

I'll anyway do my own buffering to move forward and see how port works.
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