On Oct 14, 2011, at 10:55 AM, John Murray wrote:
> Sorry to admit I don't know how to get at the logcat 


> depdate = FindViewById<EditTextEx>(Resource.Id.depdate);
> does one have to specify the subclass in the xml?

Yes. The type that you specify in the FindViewById<T>() call must be the class 
or a base class of the type specified in the XML. If your XML uses <EditText/>, 
then you need to use FindViewById<EditText>() or some base class of EditText 
(e.g. View).

Thus, if you want to use an EditTextEx, you must use EditTextEx in the .axml:


It's somewhat obtuse (we need better docs here), but to use a custom type in 
your .axml you need to use the fully qualified _Java_ ACW name of  your type, 
which is (usually) the lower-cased namespace and your normal type name:

        <your.namespace.here.EditTextEx />

If you're not sure what the package name is, after a build look within the 
obj\Debug\android\src directory for the EditTextEx.java file, and use the value 
of the `package` statement.

 - Jon

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