HI, I tried creating "Quick Actions" but couldn't find any helpful documentation for it. Then, I tried to use Contextual Menu using the below code :
* public override void onCreateContextMenu(IContextMenu menu, View v, IContextMenuContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {* * if (v.Id == Resource.Id.lvOrders) { * // lvOrders is my ListView * AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo info = (AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo)menuInfo;* * menu.SetHeaderTitle(Resource.String.context_menu_title);* * }* * }* * * But it gave me the error that there is no suitable method to override the file. Also, I wanted the dynamic header (orderId of order pressed) for this context menu but couldn't do it. Any help with above three issues is highly appreciated.Thanks. Rashmi * * * *
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