Thanks for the detailed reply, I'll be checking my code and making sure
that I'm not doing similar elsewhere!


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jonathan Pryor
Sent: 15 September 2011 22:26
To: Discussions related to Mono for Android
Subject: Re: [mono-android] Extending TextView

On Sep 15, 2011, at 7:52 AM, Martyn Wendon wrote:
> I think that this turned out to be an incorrect (?) use of the "using"

I believe you are correct.

> What I was doing was (pseudo code):
>       AbsoluteLayout al = new AbsoluteLayout(this);
>       using (RotatingTextView rtv = new RotatingTextView())
>       {
>               rtv.somenewproperty = somevalue;
>               al.AddView(rtv);
>       }
>       SetContentView(al);

Yeah, that's bad. :-)

As mentioned elsewhere, for every Java.Lang.Object subclass which is
created in managed code, a Java side object is created. Internally, we
store a mapping between the Java object's JNI handle and the managed
object reference value:

        Dictionary<IntPtr /* JNI handle */, WeakReference /* managed
mapping */> instances;

Now, calling Java.Lang.Object.Dispose() _removes_ the JNI handle <->
object mapping. This allows the Java GC to (eventually) collect the
Java-side object, and for Mono's GC to (eventually) collect the managed
object; otherwise, both objects will be kept alive.

When you use the `using` block as you do, you're removing the JNI
mapping, disassociating the Java object from the managed object.

When an overridden method is eventually invoked on the Java-side
RotatingTextView instance, Mono for Android will consult the instance
mapping, see that one doesn't exist, and _create_ a new managed object.
This is why your fields were always 0 -- it was a different object
instance, mapped to the same Java instance.

> I removed the "using" statement and it all started working as it

Yup, because the instance mapping is preserved. :-)

> Unless you think that this is still a bug, I won't file a bug report!!

Yes, this isn't a bug.

 - Jon

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