
I am intrested to call a web service in my monodroid application. Web
service is a
1) WCF service
2) SOAP based service
3) Secured web service (Https)
4) Hosted using BasicHttp binding on server (End point)

I have easily integrated this web service in my web based as well as desktop
based application using "Add Web Referance" or "Add Service Referance"
options and also consumed the exposed methods in it.

Now I am tring to consume this web service in my monodroid application.

Steps I have followed to integrate 
1) Used a web service wsdl url in "Add Web Referance" and added a referance.
2) Created a object of this web service referance.
3) Called the methods using the web service object(Same like I did in web
based application)
4) Complied the monodroid code.

The code compiled successfully but when I tried to debug the code it gives
green pointer at the web service constructor with below message (Please find
the below image for more information)
*"This is the next statement to execute when this thread returns from the
current function."*


Please help me with your suggestion/code samples to resolve this issue.


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