Jonathan Pryor-2 wrote:
> On Aug 8, 2011, at 4:11 PM, chobo2 wrote:
>> I want to System.Runtime.Serialization.Json v4.0 yet when I try to add a
>> reference in a monodroid application I only
>> System.Runtime.Serialization.Json v2.0.5 that does not contain ".Json".
>> Is it possible to use this 4.0 version?
> Mono for Android is a distinct "profile" of assemblies and types, distinct
> from the .NET 2.0, 4.0, Silverlight, and Compact Framework "profiles."
> You can't intermix profiles, e.g. take an assembly compiled against
> Silverlight 3.0 and run it on .NET 2.0. The exception to this are
> "Portable Library" assemblies, with which you can take an assembly
> compiled under Silverlight 4.0 and run it unchanged on .NET 4.0 (with some
> restrictions). (Portable Library support is something we want to support,
> but there is no timeframe for supporting them in Mono for Android.)
> However, Mono for Android does not (yet) support Portable Library
> assemblies, nor can Mono for Android assemblies be used unchanged under
> another profile (except with MonoTouch, and that's only if you don't use
> Mono.Android.dll & OpenTK.dll).
> Thus, it doesn't make sense to use "System.Runtime.Serialization.Json
> v4.0." Instead, you want to use the System.ServiceModel.Web.dll (v2.0.5.0)
> that comes with Mono for Android and provides the
> System.Runtime.Serialization.Json namespace.
>  - Jon
> _______________________________________________
> Monodroid mailing list

Ok I will try that out.

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