Hi Tim,

I'm no expert but...

On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Tim Kelly <tim.ke...@designerware.com>wrote:

> Jon,
> Thanks for the thoughts.  I can scrap automatic updates and post a Toast
> saying there's an update available and they need to go get it.
> Xamarin is now on my least favorite words to say like Linux which I
> never say or hear anyone say correctly.  So for me, it's MonoDroid and
> I'll leave the monkey pronunciation to management because that's more
> inline with their species anyway.
> We cache data back and forth, so we plan on doing what you suggest as
> soon as a connection is available.  So, it will be all the offline sales
> we'd loose or would loose if someone purged user data.
> How about this Business requirement?  Is there a way to lock a device?
> What really happens, according to management is, they fire a sales
> person and they wipe the phone/tablet.  I can 'hot glue' the reset hole
> to make it difficult physically but with that done, how would you lock
> the software?

Apple's iPhones and iPads can be remotely wiped from their MobileMe site
which the company's management can setup & own. This would be a lot simpler
than the solution proposed below.

> Here's my thoughts.  Have a background thread running that keeps
> starting and bring to the top a user interface that has an image with a
> place to enter a password?  If they click off, can't I just bring it
> back in front?

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