Has anyone got any useful experience on uploading tothe Android market which
they could share?

I have registered and paid my subs

I have uploaded the app plus simple description screenshots, high res icon

In other words al non optional fields are complete and correct, this has
been saved and published

The apk is activated as required, the list of available devices is more than
adequate and the list available countries checks out OK

OH it goes without saying that I've got the signing and compression sorted.

But when I search for the title of my app it simply doesn't appear -whether
searching on a PC or on my development mobile

I've reached an impasse- cant think what to do next - I mean it's hardly a
difficult process and there's no evidence of an error - indeed on the
developer upload screen is shows the app published OK. 


Any ideas would be welcome


John Murray

Monodroid mailing list


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