On Jul 23, 2011, at 12:45 AM, Igor Russkih wrote:
> Our current idea is to keep this library running in monodroid as an android 
> service (and by this share the main "heavy" buisness logic code between 
> WM/android projects), and to create a UI wrapper. (it most probably will be 
> in native java).

Using Mono for Android to create a UI wrapper makes sense, but why do you want 
to run your library as an Android service? Android.App.Service has a main loop, 
just like Android.App.Activity, and it's the _same_ main loop that activities 
use. Consequently, it is _not_ the thread you want to be doing high data 
throughput  algorithms on that thread, as it would lock up your UI. You want to 
use some background thread (e.g. a dedicated System.Threading.Thread) instead.

> Is it possible to work with android BT API directly from monodroid code?

There is an Android.Bluetooth namespace which allows use of bluetooth devices:


> How efficient it'll be in terms of data transfers?

I don't know. Unfortunately, you would need to profile. Furthermore, I don't 
know if the emulator emulates bluetooth or not; you may need to profile on 
actual hardware to see what the overhead is (and you'd probably want actual 
hardware anyway to see if it's fast enough).

> I mean since monodroid creates wrappers for Input/Output-Streams (does it?) 
> how well stream.read and stream.write will map data? The amounts of data is 
> not high (several bytes), but the request/response rate with BT hardware is 
> required to be as fast as possible. (normally its up to 50Hz). Won't 
> read/write serialization between dalvik/mono be a bottleneck here?

Yes, Android.Runtime.OutputStreamInvoker.Write() will create a new Java-side 
array, copy the contents of the managed array into the byte array, then invoke 
the underlying Java method (which may make additional copies; who knows…).

Whether this will be an actual bottleneck or not requires profiling to answer. 

> Second question is service <-> UI interaction part. Normally this is done 
> with AIDL in java.. I haven't found any words on aidl support in monodroid. 
> Guess it could be implemented 'manually' - is there any experience exist in 
> this area?

As mentioned above, I'm not sure you want to use a Service here. That said, 
there is currently no built-in support for AIDL files. If necessary, you could 
probably hack something together by invoking the aidl compiler as a pre-build 
step and including the Java sources (both generated and potentially 
hand-written) into the final app by using the AndroidJavaSource build action, 
then using Android.Runtime.JNIEnv to interact with the Java types. We intend on 
improving AIDL support in a future release, but there is no timeframe.

 - Jon

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