Hi All,


Well I have the same problem with refund. The “funny” part is that I ordered
April  7th, my CC was charge first the May 9th . But Digital River don’t
care a bit.  So now I not only disappointed on Novell, I’m pretty pi**ed as
well.  “Thank you for your refund request. Please accept our apologies;
however, the product that was ordered is ineligible for a refund. This is
outlined in our refund policy”


Anyway, how realistic is Xamarin for the near future?  I’m also considering
Appcelerator Titanium (since I develop iOS and Android), any recommendations





Från: monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com
[mailto:monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com] För w...@gencode.com
Skickat: den 17 maj 2011 19:00
Till: 'Discussions related to Mono for Android'
Ämne: Re: [mono-android] Xamarin or MonoDroid



Bought April 16, emailed mono on May 10th for a refund, after no response
called Novel May16 (last day, April was a 30 day month)


Novel said call Digital River

Digital River said “No refunds on this product”, I said I am within the 30
days, they said does not matter, there are no refunds on this product.


In otherwords, screw all of us



Ed Scott | Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD)

www: http://www.gencode.com <http://www.gencode.com/>  

emaill: esc...@gencode.com
Location:  Earth, Milkyway Galaxy


From: monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com
[mailto:monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Natalia Portillo
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 10:13 AM
To: Discussions related to Mono for Android
Subject: Re: [mono-android] Xamarin or MonoDroid


You are past the 30 days?


El 17/05/2011, a las 00:52, <w...@gencode.com> <w...@gencode.com> escribió:


Called Novel for a refund

They told me to call Digitial River


@ 877 466 8355

Option 1

1 Again


Option 3



Got an operator

She said, sorry there are no refunds at all on this product even within the


Got her  super

She said same, threatened lawsuit

Sent me they called corp office


They said it may be up to 72hrs and gave me a ref number


Guess I wait now



Ed Scott | Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD)

www: http://www.gencode.com <http://www.gencode.com/> 

emaill: esc...@gencode.com
Location:  Earth, Milkyway Galaxy


From: monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com
[mailto:monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of w...@gencode.com
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 7:07 PM
To: 'Discussions related to Mono for Android'
Subject: Re: [mono-android] Xamarin or MonoDroid


I sent them an email to them asking for a refund,  I am going to file the
paperwork for a chargeback tomorrow at BoA


Ed Scott | Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD)

www: http://www.gencode.com <http://www.gencode.com/> 

emaill: esc...@gencode.com
Location:  Earth, Milkyway Galaxy


From: monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com
[mailto:monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Nikolai Sander
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 7:03 PM
To: Discussions related to Mono for Android
Subject: Re: [mono-android] Xamarin or MonoDroid


So again, will Xamarin honor the mono license?


I highly doubt that. It's a separate company. Remember they were laid off,
it wasn't their choice. Attachmate is to blame on this fully.


Or should everyone file a lawsuit for their money back or start doing


I could definitely see a lot of people wanting their money back...




On May 16, 2011, at 3:59 PM, <w...@gencode.com> wrote:


> Long live Xamarin!




my 400 bucks, will Xamarin honor the license?


After all they pushed hard for 1.0

And after all he says in the blog “We have been trying to spin Mono off from
Novell for more than a year now.”


So again, will Xamarin honor the mono license?


Or should everyone file a lawsuit for their money back or start doing


Others have spent thousands of dollars on their licenses



Ed Scott | Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD)

www: http://www.gencode.com <http://www.gencode.com/> 

emaill: esc...@gencode.com
Location:  Earth, Milkyway Galaxy


From: monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com
[mailto:monodroid-boun...@lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Nikolai Sander
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 6:48 PM
To: Discussions related to Mono for Android
Subject: Re: [mono-android] Xamarin or MonoDroid


Or is Attachmate going to continue where the group left off and now there
will be two products with a new set of developers in Germany?


I think that this is highly unlikely. Replacing an entire team is suicide. I
have seen this happen with a gradual shift by keeping a senior developer
skeleton crew and hiring new people in India or China but never ever by
firing everyone and re-hiring them somewhere else... especially not in
*expensive* Germany.


I'm convinced that monodroid and monotouch from attachmate is dead.


Long live Xamarin!




On May 16, 2011, at 3:37 PM, <w...@gencode.com> <w...@gencode.com> wrote:

Okay, I am so confused here.


Apparently Miguel has moved on, I am very happy for him



Does that mean Mono is dead? Or is Attachmate going to continue where the
group left off and now there will be two products with a new set of
developers in Germany?


Frankly there has been little info from Attachmate and it looks like I am
going to need to ask for a refund; I need the mapview and it is on the

I am not a big company and $400 is a lot to me.


Can anyone at this point verify that Attachmate is not going to leave this
at 1.0 for months or years to come?


I am not so sure that Attachmate will honor the roadmap as they said they
would, silence is not always golden.


Ed Scott | Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD)

www: http://www.gencode.com <http://www.gencode.com/> 

emaill: esc...@gencode.com
Location:  Earth, Milkyway Galaxy


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