One of the problems I have is that I changed my macbook and I need to 
activate/port my Monotouch license onto the new computer and this seems to be 
an impossible task in this moment. Can anybody help?





[] On Behalf Of Justin Malcolm
Sent: martedì 17 maggio 2011 12:50
To: Discussions related to Mono for Android
Subject: Re: [mono-android] What the hell..




I agree with you. The delay before .NET for Android is mature enough is a major 
burden for small shops and start-ups. I work for a small shop myself and this 
will cause real problems.


Let's not confuse things though:


1 - Mono the Open Source project is largely unaffected


2 - It looks like a safe bet to launch MonoTouch apps today knowing MonoTouch 
works well and that .NET for iOS will be out soon


3 - The WROX book is a perfectly useful resource for building .NET for Android 
apps that you expect to launch as products in six months to a year (the Xamarin 
product will be API compatible)


4 - It is possible to use Mono for Android today for projects that make sense. 
Xamarin is pledging to support and evolve this API. The danger here is that 
Mono for Android is not a mature product and it will be months before the 
Xamarin product closes the gap.


So, while this is a real disaster for those of us in the middle of C# Android 
projects, it is not the end for .NET on Android or the Mono for Android API. 
Quite the opposite I expect.

Sent from my iPhone


On 2011-05-17, at 2:58 AM, Glen Hassell <> wrote:


Agree with you 44%, continue to support the developers of Xamarin, in hope we 
someday benefit from the licence fee's wasted on Mono-Droid, may someday be of 


There is no hope to re-establish a small business model after a change of this 
scale. Small start ups, where 100k is the difference between success and 
failure.. might be all out of good will! Adjustments are one thing and open 
source kind of went out the door, a short time before this takeover.


How much is good will worth these days? Does someone have a cheque to cover 
everyone who purchased licences, showing their good will?


4 months interest on a model that simply dissolved, licence fee's that have 
been thrown. I'm not so sure that there is great value to be found in this good 
will.. At least the $29 book from Amazon will always serve to show how quickly 
the world of software can change.. I wonder if Wrox will even continue with the 
print run now?




On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 7:41 PM, Justin Malcolm 
<> wrote:

Mono itself is an open source project supported by many. It goes on as before.


In fact, it seems that it is supported by all the same people. It is just that 
some of them will be paid now by Xamarin instead of Novell.


Similarly, the commercial mobile dev products based on Mono will now be 
available from both Novell and Xamarin. The Novell ones are unlikely to evolve 
further. The Xamarin offerings will not be available until September or October.


Let's all do our best to ensure that Xamarin can continue to afford to fund 
Mono development.

Sent from my iPhone

On 2011-05-16, at 11:05 PM, Jesús Bosch Ayguadé <> wrote:


If I read well, Mono will be abandoned, isn't it?

Grrr I based my recently created startup strategy on mono multiplatform 
technologies... So this hurts..

I have a spanish blog with some thousands of readers. I could write about this 
to spread the word on the situation. Can someone tell me what happened??


Jesus Bosch Ayguade
Enviado desde Windows Phone


De: Wally McClure
Enviado: martes, 17 de mayo de 2011 2:31
Asunto: Re: [MonoTouch] [mono-android] Can not purchase Monotouch Android on 
Novel Store

> Thanks for the kind words. Personally, I can't tell you what you should do 
> right now. I did 2 talks last week on mobile strategies and ended them by 
> saying that there are a number of options out there for them to consider and 
> each must make an educated decision. I chose monotouch and mono for android. 
> Now Attachmate has made this a questionable decision. 
> I think some of the options are:Listen to what Attachmate says. Given that 
> they have had two weeks to prepare a statement, I question if they ever will. 
> Can you trust what they have to say at this point? Can you trust that they 
> can produce a product that will meet your needs? The statement "All 
> technology roadmaps remain intact" rings very hollow. 
>  the course with Monotouch and listen to what Miguel is doing. Monotouch is 
> kinda mature at this point, so its got some legs. Can I get to that point 
> based on the current version of monotouch? What happens with iOS5?Mono for 
> Android. Unfortunately, Mono for Android still has enough issues that I can't 
> recommend it as it exists. Sorry, thats just the situation the product is in 
> today. The debugging doesn't work, its too slow on startup of apps, its just 
> not all there at this point i
> n time. I'm not going to use it.Just go to the vendor directed products, 
> meaning ObjectiveC. I realize that there are a number of issues, but this 
> will keep me from ever getting mucked up. Yes the learning curve is not 
> small. I won't have to worry about Apple with their self fud, someone from 
> SUSE shooting their mouth off about getting rid of Mono (yeah, that happened 
> as well), or this. Should I just go ahead and bite the bullet? Don't 
> underestimate that learning curve.
> What is everyone looking to do?
> Wally
> From:
> To:
> Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 14:00:52 -0700
> Subject: Re: [mono-android] Can not purchase Monotouch Android on Novel Store
> Hi All...
> I'm a observer on the Android development as I 
> haven't had any time to use if for development yet...However, I have several 
> apps in the app store written in MonoTouch and I have 4 more due this 
> month...
> We are from Oklahoma, where a deal is a deal...If 
> you want out of the deal then let us know why, when and (at the very least) 
> what we should expect since we invested time and money in you...If I did this 
> to 
> a customer, I'd have a pissed off 6' 5" cowboy at my door the next 
> morning...
> My major concern is having to move to exclusive 
> XCode development to continue our products. We can do this, but I'd rather 
> not 
> have to explain to my wife (owner of the company too) we need to re invest 6 
> months in retraining our help not to mention loosing the momentum we have 
> with 
> our other apps...
> Wally, dude....Love the books...I've bought 
> 2...Lead us Obi Wan against the evil empire (evil_empire = 
> Attachmate)...
> P.S Did I mention my wife is German? 
> Steve
> From: Wally McClure 
> Sent: Monday, May 16, 2011 1:37 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Re: [mono-android] SPAM-LOW: Re: Can not purchase Monotouch 
> Android on Novel Store
> You and me both. I just watched at least $100k of work go 
> down the drain with this. I am upset to say the least. 
> Wally 
> Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 17:35:27 -0300
> From:
> To:
> Subject: 
> Re: [mono-android] SPAM-LOW: Re: Can not purchase Monotouch Android on Novel 
> Store
> I have an application deployed on 2 enterprises and with new 
> contracts to come to honor util July… And porting to Android is in the middle 
> of 
> the process with a contract in standby too.
> Will just be good to know from Attachmate and Xamarin what happens with 
> actual licences to see if we can change our jobs, scape from country to avoid 
> local law, move do Alaska and work with fishing, call international lawyers 
> or 
> if we just continue working…
> (Maybe I can sell hotdogs and soda at the beach)
> Karl
>>From : Nick Maddern <>
> Reply-To: "" <>
> Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 06:20:57 +1000
> To: "" <>
> Subject: SPAM-LOW: Re: [mono-android] Can not 
> purchase Monotouch Android on Novel Store
> I am interested in knowing what the future for MonoTouch is…. I am 
> currently writing an application, and getting close to the point where I want 
> to 
> deploy to an iDevice.
> Questions going through my head are:
> - Do I bite the bullet and purchase a MT license now so I can deploy before 
> they pull it from the store, but left with $$$ worth of unsupported software 
> (will it still be unsupported?)? 
> - Or should I wait (and delay!) x number of months to buy the shiny new 
> product? And how long will x be?
> There are a lot of unknowns in what is going on in MT land… with all the 
> turmoil going on (e.g. Apples TOS banning and then allowing MT, 
> Attachmate) it makes me nervous to keep investing time and effort in 
> MT and related technologies (don’t get me wrong… I love the thing)
> I would just like a clear roadmap with expected timelines from 
> Attachmate/Xamarin to help me make my decisions.
> Thanks, Nick
> From: Marcio Alexandroni <>
> Reply-To: Discussions related to Mono for 
> Android <>
> Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 17:00:05 -0300
> To: Discussions related to Mono for Android 
> Subject: Re: [mono-android] Can not purchase 
> Monotouch Android on Novel Store
> It looks 
> like Miguel and his guys are in a new company to create a new toolset for iOS 
> and Android, i.e., it seems they are not working anymore on MonoTouch and 
> Mono-Android.
> So the question remains, what will be the future of the 
> current tools, by Attachmante?
> I guess we will have to wait to see what 
> happens, or wait for the new Miguel's tools and buy them again.
> Marcio 
> Alexandroni
> ( (+55 11) 
> 9989-8316
> cialogica
> -- 
> From: Nikolai Sander <>
> Reply-To: Discussions 
> related to Mono for Android <>
> Date: Mon, 16 May 
> 2011 12:55:13 -0700
> To: Discussions related to Mono for Android <>
> Subject: Re: 
> [mono-android] Can not purchase Monotouch Android on Novel 
> Store
> Yes!
> Nikolai
> On May 16, 
> 2011, at 12:53 PM, Brian Nelson wrote:
> It's Monday...
> Any 
> news?
> Thanks,
> Brian Nelson
> Software Architect
> Mobile 
> Epiphany
> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 5:14 AM, Nic Wise <> wrote:
> possibly, you wait until monday when Miguel 
> announces something. he's at Google IO, so I suspect he's busy (or hung 
> over.... hang on, thats SXSW )
> plitwin <!/plitwin> 
> Paul Litwin 
> @migueldeicaza <> When can we 
> expect to hear from you on the Attachmate debacle and how it affects Mono, 
> MonoTouch, and MonoDroid?
> 10 May <!/plitwin/status/67734122096885760> 
> Favorite < <> > Retweet 
> < <> > 
> Reply < <> > 
> migueldeicaza <!/migueldeicaza> 
> Miguel de 
> Icaza 
> @ 
> @plitwin 
> <> Monday I will have a 
> full statement
> 10 May <!/migueldeicaza/status/67735755828641792> 
> < <> > < 
> <> > 
> < <> > 
> plitwin <!/plitwin> Paul Litwin 
> @ 
> @migueldeicaza <> Today is 
> Monday! :) I presume you mean next Monday?
> 10 May <!/plitwin/status/6773 
> 5895264075776> < <> > 
> < <> > 
> < <> > 
> in reply to ↑
> @migueldeicaza <!/migueldeicaza> 
> Miguel de 
> Icaza
> @plitwin <> 
> yes
> On Wed, May 
> 11, 2011 at 11:49, Eric Beser <> wrote:
> I have been trying to purchase the Monotouch 
> android, and I get as far as payment, and the error is “this option is not 
> available for your area” and paypal is not working 
> either.
> Has the store been effectively 
> closed?
> How does one purchase Monotouch for 
> Android?
> Eric L Beser 
> Managing 
> Partner
> E-ISG, The Asset Management Team 
> <image001.png> 
> <>
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> < 
> <> 
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