Good Morning Neil,

Yesterday, I did make an update for a version 0.15 and had no problem at
PAUSE, but the "*no_unauthorized_packages*" issue returned at CPANTS (  I had
also added an *x_authority* property to the META files for good measure,
but it didn't help.  When you get a moment, can you please forward this
message to a CPANTS admin who can investigate the issue?

thank you,


On Thu, Feb 6, 2025 at 9:19 AM Neil Bowers <> wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
>  the PAUSE change propagate to CPAN and CPANTS?  I'd like to also address
> the "no_unauthorized_packages" issues shown here (under "1 Extra Issue"):
> It won't be fixed for the 0.14 release, as CPANTS doesn't regenerate the
> pages when there's been a change in the PAUSE indexing permissions.
> But when you do a 0.15 release, it won't have the problem of an
> unauthorized package, because at the time CPANTS processes the future 0.15
> release you will have the indexing permission on Date::Ethiopic.
> Neil

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