
Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in
 |After a long time i wanted to upload a new perl module to CPAN,
 |but found that my password was no longer accepted (due to .. as
 |shown on the web page then; i think i read an email about that in
 |the past even).
 |So i tried to renew the password.
 |That then hammered against the greylist, i was not thinking about
 |disabling that.
 |I tried to repost via web, but that said that nothing new has been
 |done (six hours it seems) -- so first, it would be very nice if
 |that page would mention that the connection tries of the pause
 |SMTP service are ongoing.

So i tried again now with my email stuff temporarily changed to
let PAUSE through, but it still claims the very same thing:


  A token for SDAODEN that allows changing of the password has been requested 
recently (less than 6 hours ago) and is still valid. Nothing done.

  Please try again, probably by using the Back button of your browser and 
repeating the last action you took.

Yet, when i "# grep -r develooper mail*" in /var/log then no more
email connection was tried ever since last night.

 |Yes, because it actually (hurray!) deals with greylisting, and
 |tries again.
 |However, i also have address verification enabled,
 |  https://www.postfix.org/ADDRESS_VERIFICATION_README.html
 |and this will not work out:
 |  Dec 27 00:28:04 outwall/smtpd[13551]: connect from mxny1.nyc1.develooper\
 |  .com[]
 |  Dec 27 00:28:04 outwall/smtpd[13551]: Anonymous TLS connection establish\
 |  ed from mxny1.nyc1.develooper.com[]: TLSv1.3 with cipher \
 |  TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits) key-exchange X25519 server-signatu\
 |  re RSA-PSS (4096 bits)
 |  Dec 27 00:28:06 postfix/cleanup[13563]: CC61C16061: message-id=<20241226\
 |  232805.cc61c16...@sdaoden.eu>
 |  Dec 27 00:28:06 postfix/qmgr[3144]: CC61C16061: from=<double-bounce@sdao\
 |  den.eu>, size=253, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
 |  Dec 27 00:28:12 outwall/smtpd[13551]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from \
 |  mxny1.nyc1.develooper.com[]: 450 4.1.7 <upl...@pause.perl.\
 |  org>: Sender address rejected: unverified address: Address verification \
 |  in progress; from=<upl...@pause.perl.org> to=<stef...@sdaoden.eu> \
 |  proto=ESMTP helo=<mxny1.nyc1.develooper.com>
 |  Dec 27 00:28:14 outwall/smtpd[13551]: too many errors after DATA \
 |  from mxny1.nyc1.develooper.com[]
 |  Dec 27 00:28:14 outwall/smtpd[13551]: disconnect from mxny1.nyc1.develoo\
 |  per.com[] ehlo=2 starttls=1 mail=1 rcpt=0/1 data=0/1 \
 |  commands=4/6
 |  Dec 27 00:28:36 postfix/smtp[13564]: connect to pause.perl.org[139.178.6\
 |  6.42]:25: Operation timed out
 |  Dec 27 00:28:36 postfix/smtp[13564]: CC61C16061: to=<upl...@pause.perl.o\
 |  rg>, relay=none, delay=30, delays=0.02/0.09/30/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=unde\
 |  liverable (connect to pause.perl.org[]:25: Operation \
 |  timed out)
 |  Dec 27 00:28:36 postfix/qmgr[3144]: CC61C16061: removed
 |Pause tries once again, but now we are completely locked out:
 |  Dec 27 00:38:04 outwall/smtpd[13733]: connect from mxny1.nyc1.develooper\
 |  .com[]
 |  Dec 27 00:38:04 outwall/smtpd[13733]: Anonymous TLS connection establish\
 |  ed from mxny1.nyc1.develooper.com[]: TLSv1.3 with cipher \
 |  TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits) key-exchange X25519 server-signatu\
 |  re RSA-PSS (4096 bits)
 |  Dec 27 00:38:06 outwall/smtpd[13733]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from \
 |  mxny1.nyc1.develooper.com[]: 450 4.1.7 <upl...@pause.perl.\
 |  org>: Sender address rejected: unverified address: connect to pause.perl\
 |  .org[]:25: Operation timed out; from=<upl...@pause.perl.org\
 |  > to=<stef...@sdaoden.eu> proto=ESMTP helo=<mxny1.nyc1.develooper.com>
 |  Dec 27 00:38:08 outwall/smtpd[13733]: too many errors after DATA \
 |  from mxny1.nyc1.develooper.com[]
 |I then disabled the mechanism, however, now no more connection
 |from pause ;-).  I will turn it on again now.
 |So, i really would like to be able to get my account going again.

Yeah. :(


|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
|In Fall and Winter, feel "The Dropbear Bard"s pint(er).
|The banded bear
|without a care,
|Banged on himself for e'er and e'er
|Farewell, dear collar bear

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