Hi folks;
I’d like to get co-maint on Sub::Delete to fix a couple of minor issues:
* apostrophe as package separator is deprecated
* It bundles Test::More, which is no longer required.
I reached out to SPROUT earlier this year with no replies.
I would consider this an NMU (in Debian-speak). I’d give up co-maint
after uploading to CPAN.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Requesting adoption of Sub::Delete to incorporate fixes for
Perl 5.38.
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2024 14:40:54 -0500
From: Diab Jerius <djer...@cpan.org>
To: spr...@cpan.org
CC: modules@perl.org
Dear Father Chrysostomos,
Would you be happy for me to 'adopt' your Sub∷Delete distribution on
CPAN? It currently is running afoul of the deprecation of the apostrophe
as a package separator in Perl 5.38.
I would like to resolve that issue and release a fixed version to CPAN.
I've forked your code - you can see my current changes here:
I'm happy to have co-maint status, but if you're not interested in this
module any more, you could give me ownership of the module. That would
give me the ability to grant co-maint status to others, should the need
You can give me permissions via the PAUSE web site:
Or if you can't remember your password (or can't be bothered with the
hassle), then you can just email the PAUSE admins at modules@perl.org.
Or as a final option, you can reply to this email, and I'll ask the
PAUSE admins to make the necessary changes.
Thanks, and thank you for your many contribution to Perl.
Diab Jerius