Hi.  I was added as co-maintainer of Sub::Curried some years ago.  At
long last, I'm now trying to release a new version.  I uploaded it to
PAUSE (my user ID is PURGE), but got an error from the indexer.  Can
someone fix this?  And will I need to redo the upload?

At first I thought my maintainer status had expired since metacpan
says Sub::Curried is up for adoption, or maybe my status isn't
recognized due to using a different email address, but on closer
inspection, it looks like I was made co-maintainer only for the module
Sub::Curried, while the dist also includes Sub::Composable.  The email
I got from PAUSE says:

Status: Permission missing

     module : Sub::Composable
     version: 0.14
     in file: Sub-Curried-0.14/lib/Sub/Composable.pm
     status : Not indexed because permission missing. Current registered
              primary maintainer is OSFAMERON. Hint: you can always find
              the legitimate maintainer(s) on PAUSE under "View

Status: Successfully indexed

     module : Sub::Curried
     version: 0.14
     in file: Sub-Curried-0.14/lib/Sub/Curried.pm
     status : indexed

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