I would like to validate the name for a new module, Arithmetic::PaperAndPencil. As stated in https://www.cpan.org/modules/04pause.html#duties and https://www.cpan.org/modules/04pause.html#before I should ask if the intended name is an acceptable name and does not generate a namespace conflict with another module. There is no list about mathematic or arithmetic in Perl, so I ask to the modules list.
This module aims at reproducing the basic arithmetic computations that, before the 1970's, people would execute on paper, when cheap pocket calculators were not yet available. This module can be considered as an help for a professor teaching arithmetics to pupils. A Raku module exists with the same name and the same functionalities. Disclaimer: I have written this Raku module. Other Perl modules with broadly the same usage: Teaching arihmetics skills PerlPowerTools contains the program "arithmetic", Perl port of a C program from package "bsd-games". This program helps learning basic arithmetic. But it deals with 1-digit or 2-digit operations that can be computed in a single step without paper, while my module deals with operations using multi-digit numbers and needing many steps. The topics might **broadly** similar, but they are actually **complementary**. Multiprecision integer computing bigint (core), Math::GMP, Math::GMPn, Math::Int113 and some others are modules to use integers larger than what the core Perl interpreter allows. Most of them make efficient computations. My module allows computing with integers larger than what the core Perl interpreter allows, but using slow explicit step-by-step actions, efficiency is not a central goal. Alternate radix computing Math::GMP, Math::GMPn, Math::BaseArith, Math::NumSeq::RadixConversion and others allow the use of a radix other than 2, 8, 10 or 16, in an efficient way. My module allows the use of any radix from 2 to 36, but as explained before, using step-by-step actions. Thank you for your advice Jean Forget J2N-FORGET at orange dot fr