On Thu, 21 Sep 2023 10:26:27 +0100
Neil Bowers <ne...@neilb.org> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> TL;DR: when you release "meta" you’ll be granted first-come
> I saw that you’re going to be releasing "meta" soon, and that there
> was an impending permissions conflict, as Mark Veltzer had the only
> indexing permission on "Meta".
> His Meta distribution hasn’t been released since 2002, and didn’t
> actually contain a Meta package. A few years back a restriction was
> introduced to PAUSE which says that when you release a distribution
> Foobar, you must have an indexing permission on the package Foobar.
> Usually this is achieved by including a module of the same name, and
> most people aren’t even aware of the restriction. There were some
> historical packages which broke this rule, and they were
> retrospectively supported by manually adding the required indexing
> permissions.
> With Mark’s blessing, I have just dropped the indexing permission on
> Meta, so when you do a non-developer release of "meta" you’ll get the
> first-come indexing permission.

Ah excellent.

So, uhmm... I wasn't sure what the process might be so actually I've
already made a placeholder 0.001 release and a development release that
has real code in it.

Is it possible to get them post-hoc indexed now, or do I need to upload
them again with a new version number?

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk      |  https://metacpan.org/author/PEVANS
http://www.leonerd.org.uk/  |  https://www.tindie.com/stores/leonerd/

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