
I got this forwarded message when uploading a new version of a module, see 
below. I did 'make dist' before uploading it. How do I solve the problem?

BTW, my name is shown incorrectly in the repport. Can I do something on 
CPAN/PAUSE to fix this?

Thanks in advance, Lars

----- Forwarded message from PAUSE <upl...@pause.perl.org> -----

Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2023 21:07:26 +0000
From: PAUSE <upl...@pause.perl.org>
To: l...@lamasti.net, andreas.koenig.gmwojprw+pa...@franz.ak.mind.de,
Subject: Failed: PAUSE indexer report LRS/App-Brl2Brl-0.03.tar.gz

The following report has been written by the PAUSE namespace indexer.
Please contact modules@perl.org if there are any open questions.

  User: LRS (Lars Bjørndal)
  Distribution file: App-Brl2Brl-0.03.tar.gz
  Number of files: 31
  *.pm files: 2
  README: App-Brl2Brl-0.03/README
  META-File: App-Brl2Brl-0.03/META.json
  META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4414
  META-driven index: no
  Timestamp of file: Sun Jul  9 21:05:59 2023 UTC
  Time of this run: Sun Jul  9 21:07:26 2023 UTC

The distribution contains a blib/ directory and is therefore not being
indexed. Hint: try 'make dist'.


----- End forwarded message -----

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