Hey Neil,

I've taken your suggestion and successfully got past the indexer (after I
also reset the version on some of the non-Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Client
modules, since it didn't like that those modules went from v16.0.0 to

Thanks so much for your help, I really appreciate it! And good luck with DB
lock timeout issues.

All the best,

On Tue, May 16, 2023 at 6:07 PM Neil Bowers <ne...@neilb.org> wrote:

> Hi Laura,
> As you expected, it failed indexing again.
> Part of the reason it fails is that your distribution has so many modules
> which are indexed. We’re currently working on an approach that we hope will
> resolve the DB lock timeouts.
> In the meantime, the you can probably get your releases index is by
> marking all the
> Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V12::Common::*
> Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V12::Enums::*
> and similar modules as no_index. That way it will only try to index a much
> smaller list of modules, and you shouldn’t be bitten by the timeout.
> Presumably most people install this by running one of:
> cpan Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Client
> cpanm Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Client
> All those other modules don’t need to be indexed, and they’ll still be
> installed when the distribution is installed.
> Cheers,
> Neil

[image: Google Logo]
Laura Chevalier
Developer Relations Engineer

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