
Hi!  I'm Rik, one of the members of the Perl Steering Council, and I'm on the 
hook for releasing the next version of perl, v5.38.0, "pretty soon."  Changes 
to locale handling in the last year have broken Number::Format 
<https://github.com/Perl/perl5/issues/20571>,  I'd really like to avoid having 
Number::Format broken on our new Perl, and so I'm hoping we can get a fixed 
build shipped to the CPAN ASAP.  A patch has been submitted on GitHub 

It looks like you're not working on this code anymore, and I don't need you to 
come out of retirement — but you can if you want!  Alternatively, I'm happy to 
apply the minimum fix and ship it.  Further alternatively, I'm happy to take 
over maintenance for a while, as it looks like there's a pileup of some other 

Please let me know how you'd like to proceed!  If you want *me* to do a 
release, you can update permissions in PAUSE or you can just reply.  I've cc'd 
the admins, who can then update permissions.



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