
It seems Pause is having problems indexing new distributions.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 3 May 2023 21:25:22 +0000
From: PAUSE <upl...@pause.perl.org>
To: chor...@matfyz.cz, andreas.koenig.gmwojprw+pa...@franz.ak.mind.de,
Subject: Failed: PAUSE indexer report CHOROBA/Syntax-Construct-1.032.tar.gz

The following report has been written by the PAUSE namespace indexer.
Please contact modules@perl.org if there are any open questions.

  User: CHOROBA (E. Choroba)
  Distribution file: Syntax-Construct-1.032.tar.gz
  Number of files: 22
  *.pm files: 1
  META-File: Syntax-Construct-1.032/META.json
  META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4414
  META-driven index: yes
  Timestamp of file: Wed May  3 20:53:44 2023 UTC
  Time of this run: Wed May  3 21:25:22 2023 UTC

ERROR: Database error occurred during index update

The following packages (grouped by status) have been found in the distro:

Status: Database error

     module : Syntax::Construct
     version: undef
     in file: lib/Syntax/Construct.pm
     status : The PAUSE indexer could not store the indexing result in
              the DB due the following error: C< Lock wait timeout
              exceeded; try restarting transaction >. Please report the
              case to the PAUSE admins at modules@perl.org.


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