Hi everyone,

Just a follow-up on this, I now see that I have permissions to co-maintain
the Geo::Cache namespace but just to clarify, it's the Geo::Gpx one that I
am interested in. :)

Thanks for looking into this!  Not sure if it's labour day week-end in your
area of the world, but if it is, wish you all a fabulous week-end



On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 11:22 PM Patrick Joly <patjo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Rich for your quicky reply and support, it's much appreciated.
> I checked some of the FAQs about CPAN today and this page seems to
> indicate procedures for adding co-maintainers or transfer of ownership.
> However, that presumes you still have or remember your login credentials.
> https://www.cpan.org/modules/04pause.html#set-primary-maintainer
> I requested as user ID today from CPAN and it is PATJOL
> Thanks again Rich!
> Patrick
> On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 8:21 AM Rich Bowen <rbo...@rcbowen.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, 2022-08-27 at 13:19 -0400, Patrick Joly wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I noticed on CPAN that module Geo::Gpx
>> > (https://metacpan.org/pod/Geo::Gpx) is looking for a new maintainer.
>> > I would be glad to help and can offer to look after it.  I have been
>> > using that very useful module for years to manage my Gpx files after
>> > my bike rides and want to ensure it lives on.
>> That's very cool. I had no idea anyone else ever used it.
>> >
>> > I created a repo on Github here (https://github.com/patjoly/geo-gpx)
>> > where I tweaked it by adding a class (Geo::Gpx::Point) to store and
>> > provide methods for the 'points' array of Geo::Gpx instances. The
>> > structure of the hash for the point is the same, it's just that it
>> > is blessed into that class so that Gpx points now know what they can
>> > do. There aren't that many methods so far but I intend to build more
>> > similar to the ones I have for Garmin trackpoints another module I
>> > have on github (see https://github.com/patjoly/garmin-tcx).
>> >
>> > I just made Garmin::TCX public today to give you a glimpse of where
>> > I am coming from but it's not ready for prime time. In that repo, I
>> > have a class called Garmin::TCX::Trackpoints similar to
>> > Geo::Gpx::Points where I do distance calculation by leveraging
>> > Geo::Calc to find points closest to a point on track, split a track
>> > based on distance from a point, etc. I would like to use more of
>> > these methods for Geo::Gxp::Point and possibly Geo::GPX. I also
>> > provide methods to convert points from TCX to GPX (and vice-versa
>> > with the 'with-tcx' branch of ::Gpx)
>> >
>> > I plan on renaming that Garmin module to Geo::TCX and propose it for
>> > CPAN so it could live happily along side Geo::Gpx.
>> This is all very cool stuff, and I'm so pleased that you've breathed
>> new life into the module.
>> >
>> > Now, a bit about me. I am *not* a developer, my background is in
>> > economics and stats and I just happen to code for the fun of it,
>> > personal projects, etc. I have never posted anything on CPAN but
>> > there are enough resources out there that I can surely figure out
>> > how to do that.
>> >
>> > So what I am saying is I want to help, but I am not a professional.
>> > I was until this point happy to just fork the module but if it's no
>> > longer being maintained.... Caveating this because I do not want to
>> > give the impression that I master the ins and outs of Geo::Gpx, I
>> > don't, but as I am debugging it to modify it to my liking, I am
>> > growing a functional grasp of how it works and parse the xml in
>> > chunks, descends into the xml to parse tags as they appear, etc.
>> > That said, even though I am just a hobbyist, I have been using and
>> > creating modules/classes on and off in perl for 20 years, have
>> > experience in python, R as well.
>> >
>> > Happy to hear your thoughts/reaction.
>> I, also, am not a developer, although I suppose I was at one point.
>> I haven't touched any of my stuff on CPAN for at least 10 years, and
>> would be *delighted* to have one (or more!!) of my modules find a new
>> home.
>> Please let me know what I need to do to facilitate the transfer of the
>> namespace, because I really don't know any more.
>> --Rich

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