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fullname: Eric Wheeler
  userid: EWHEELER
    mail: CENSORED

    Hello PAUSE!

    I have been developing in Perl for over 20 years, now, and recently
    I've found myself re-using many Perl modules, some of which may be
    useful to other Perl developers. Notably, there is very little
    radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic calculation code. I plan to
    contribute, at least, these modules:

    - RF::NEC2 - A Numeric Electromagnetic Code geometry representation
    library that works with the xnec2c antenna simulator

    - RF::Component - An RF electronic component library for parsing
    and calculating S-parameter (and related) matrices for extracting
    data, analysis, and combining components into different circuit

    - PDL::Opt::Simplex::Simple - A simplified subclass of
    PDL::Opt::Simplex to represent optimized variables as hashes instead
    of an opaque PDL vectors. This makes it more intuitive for
    developers without PDL vector/matrix experience that want to
    optimize real-world or theoretical multi-variant problems that do
    not have a closed-form solution.

    - API::Octopart - An API implementation for querying the API for stock availability. Combining this with
    ::Simplex::Simple and RF::Component makes it possible to optimize RF
    filter circuits using components that are _actually_available_ for
    purchase. An RF prototyper's dream (I hope)!

    More about me:

    - My Amateur Radio callsign is KJ7LNW and I hold a general-class
    license in the US.

    - I'm the maintainer of the open-source project xnec2c for
    simulating antenna geometries:

    - My son and I have a lot of fun building antennas:

    - I serve as part of a Linux consulting firm:


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