So with the help of Perlmonks, the cause is that the distribution already exists... on backpan.

I couldn't see the name was in use because I didn't check there. PAUSE gave no indication.

Is there a way I can claim the name Net::MyIP since the original author must have deleted theirs?


On 2022-05-14 08:13, wrote:

Additional information.

This was pulled from the log file in the PAUSE UI:

2022-05-13 15:49:45 $$11575 v1049: Info: Need to get uriid[S/ST/STEVEB/Net-MyIP-0.04.tar.gz] (paused:345) 2022-05-13 15:49:45 $$11575 v1049: Info: Going to fetch uriid[S/ST/STEVEB/Net-MyIP-0.04.tar.gz] (paused:649) 2022-05-13 15:49:45 $$11575 v1049: Info: Requesting a GET on uri [ftp://localhost/incoming/Net-MyIP-0.04.tar.gz] (paused:671) 2022-05-13 15:49:47 $$11575 v1049: Info: renamed '/home/ftp/tmp/S/ST/STEVEB/Net-MyIP-0.04.tar.gz' to '/home/ftp/pub/PAUSE/authors/id/S/ST/STEVEB/Net-MyIP-0.04.tar.gz' (paused:834) 2022-05-13 15:49:47 $$11575 v1049: Info: Got S/ST/STEVEB/Net-MyIP-0.04.tar.gz (size 4570) (paused:504) 2022-05-13 15:49:47 $$11575 v1049: Info: Sent 'has entered' email about uriid[S/ST/STEVEB/Net-MyIP-0.04.tar.gz] (paused:582) 2022-05-13 15:51:12 $$11575 v1049: Info: Verified S/ST/STEVEB/Net-MyIP-0.04.tar.gz (paused:315) 2022-05-13 15:51:12 $$11575 v1049: Info: Started mldistwatch for lpath[/home/ftp/pub/PAUSE/authors/id/S/ST/STEVEB/Net-MyIP-0.04.tar.gz] with pid[7218] (paused:320)

This distribution is absolutely no different than the 59 other ones I've published.

Interestingly enough, I also uploaded Net::DynDNS::GoDaddy the other day, and it has suffered the same fate as Net::MyIP.

However, I uploaded a new version of Dist::Mgr, and it went through successful. Is there an issue publishing to the 'Net' namespace, but it's not informing anyone of any upload/index errors?

I'd really like to get these two new distributions available.



On 2022-05-13 08:19, Steve Bertrand wrote:
Hey all,

I authored and uploaded Net::MyIP a couple of days ago. It shows up on the's "Recent Uploads" page, yet it doesn't show up under my STEVEB page, nor is it available through cpanm.

Is there a problem with indexing, or have I done something wrong?



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