Hi Jacques-san,

It appears the owner of Cookies has been changed to you.
first-come KAZUNORI
first-come KAZUNORI
co-maint JDEGUEST
first-come KAZUNORI
first-come KAZUNORI
first-come KAZUNORI

Kazunori Minoda

2021年12月14日(火) 13:40 Jacques Deguest <j...@deguest.jp>:

> Hello Minoda-san,
> I checked in my pause account's permissions, but could not see it. Maybe
> it takes time for cpan to refresh ?
> Kind regards,
> Jacques
> On 2021/12/15 4:45, Kazunori Minoda wrote:
> Hi Jacques-san,
> I tried to transfer permission for Cookies to your account (JDEGUEST);
> Could you please check if it was normally transferred?
> Sincerely,
> Kazunori Minoda
> 2021年12月13日(月) 19:08 Kazunori Minoda <kazunori.min...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi Jacques-san,
>> Ok, I'll try it tomorrow.
>> Sincerely,
>> Kazunori Minoda
>> 2021年12月13日(月) 18:02 Jacques Deguest <j...@deguest.jp>:
>>> Thank you Minoda-san for your reply and action.
>>> I tried to use that namespace, but could not. I still get the error you
>>> are the primary maintainer.
>>> I think, as Neil Bowers stated, you still need to "transfer the
>>> first-come permission on Cookies to" me.
>>> 何度も迷惑をかけてしまいまして、本当にすみませんが、宜しくお願いします。
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Jacques
>>> On 2021/12/10 3:42, Kazunori Minoda wrote:
>>> Hi Jacques-san,
>>> Very sorry for the late reply. I've just requested deleting the
>>> following files.
>>> $CPAN/authors/id/K/KA/KAZUNORI/Furl-Cookies-0.01.meta
>>> $CPAN/authors/id/K/KA/KAZUNORI/Furl-Cookies-0.01.readme
>>> $CPAN/authors/id/K/KA/KAZUNORI/Furl-Cookies-0.01.tar.gz
>>> According to the email from the "pause.perl.org", it appears that they
>>> will be deleted by cronn job.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Kazunori Minoda
>>> 2021年11月24日(水) 14:11 Jacques Deguest <j...@deguest.jp>:
>>>> Dear Minoda-san,
>>>> Please find below the explanation by CPAN maintainer Neil Bowers.
>>>> If you are ok, you can safely transfer Cookies over to me following the
>>>> procedure he laid out.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Jacques
>>>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>>>> Subject: Re: Fwd: About Cookies namespace on CPAN
>>>> Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2021 15:47:39 +0000
>>>> From: Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com> <neil.bow...@cogendo.com>
>>>> To: Jacques Deguest <j...@deguest.jp> <j...@deguest.jp>
>>>> Hi Jacques,
>>>> It turns out that Minoda-san did do a release of Furl-Cookies that used
>>>> the module name Cookies:
>>>> https://metacpan.org/release/KAZUNORI/Furl-Cookies-0.01
>>>> He renamed the module to Furl::Cookies in the 0.02 release, but Cookies
>>>> is still in the CPAN Index, because Minoda-san hasn’t deleted the old
>>>> releases of Furl-Cookies from his PAUSE directory.
>>>> You could ask him to delete the old releases from his author directory
>>>> on PAUSE, particularly the 0.01 release. When you schedule deletion of
>>>> files, the actual deletion happens 3 days later. Once the old files have
>>>> gone, Minoda-san could transfer the first-come permission on Cookies to 
>>>> you.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Neil

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