Dear PAUSE admins,

More than two years ago I requested PRIMARY maint on all of CJONES modules. 
Chris (CJONES) confirmed via email between myself and Neil Bowers that he was 
more than happy for me to take over the maintenance of those modules. Chris has 
moved on and now runs a brewery and is no longer involved with Perl development 
in any way.

Neil asked that I modify some of Chris' modules before he would provide access. 
I've made the requested changes, but am unable to release them without the 
needed permissions. While I have been happy to jump through all the hoops 
requested of me, I have still not received access and now I get no response 
from Neil anymore.

This all started due to a module I wanted to release that conflicted with a 
first-come package name used in one of Chris' modules.

Almost three years later and I'm still trying.

What should I try next?

Vernon - VLYON

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