
Thank you for your reply.

When I tried installing with cpanm I did not get the correct version, and I 
found this reindexing that I initiated (for this module and two more). I got a 
reply that it was done and tested with no success, but then I had dinner and 
after that it worked as it should. :-)

So we are happy now! And know and understand a little bit better.

I will save your replay for future use, if needed.


Mats Dufberg
Technical Expert
Internetstiftelsen (The Swedish Internet Foundation)
Mobile: +46 73 065 3899

From: Neil Bowers <>
Date: Thursday, 12 November 2020 at 11:21
To: "" <>, Mats Dufberg 
Cc: Sandoche Balakrichenan <>
Subject: Re: FW: [Zonemaster-pause-znmstr] Failed: PAUSE indexer report 

Hi Mats,

This is a transaction timeout in the PAUSE indexer, which happens occasionally.

When it happens, wait a bit and check whether your release got indexed anyway. 
Easiest way is to search for your module on MetaCPAN and see if you get the 
version you released. Give it time, as it doesn’t immediately get through to 

If it doesn’t show up, you can force a reindexing on PAUSE: log in to pause and 
click on "Force reindexing" in the sidebar. Then click on the checkbox next to 
the tarball that you uploaded, then go to the "Reindex" button at the bottom of 
the page and click it. It can take up to an hour for that reindexing to happen. 
Then wait a bit and see if it turns up on MetaCPAN. If it was indexed ok by 
PAUSE, you may have to ask for the MetaCPAN to reindex their database as well: 
you can do this on the #metacpan channel on or raise a github 
ticket on MetaCPAN.


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