Hi Neil,

I'm fine with you deleting the old releases.
I don't want to be a maintaner on this (or any other Perl) package.
That includes Archive::Zip, and others.


Ned Konz

> On Jul 30, 2020, at 2:49 PM, Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m one of the PAUSE admins, and I’m working on resolving distributions where 
> multiple people hold first-come permissions on packages that make up the 
> distribution. One of these is the Algorithm-Diff distribution. It’s a bit 
> complicated, so please bear with me.
> MJD did the first 5 releases, then NEDKONZ did 6 releases, and then TYEMQ did 
> 3 releases.
> Curiously, we’re now in the situation where ANDREWC has first-come on 
> Algorithm::Diff, and NEDKONZ and TYEMQ both have co-maint.
> But ANDREWC has never done a release of Algorithm-Diff; he has 
> Algorithm::Diff::Apply, so I’m wondering Andrew, at some point did you 
> include Algorithm::Diff in one of your releases?
> Algorithm::DiffOld was included in earlier releases of Algorithm-Diff, and 
> still appears in the CPAN Index, because NEDKONZ has old releases in his 
> author directory. I think we can get rid of this — see below.
> Algorithm::Diff::_impl has first-come assigned to TYEMQ, and was included in 
> recent releases. But no co-maint.
> Here’s what I suspect are the steps to clarify things:
>       • Delete the old releases from  NEDKONZ’s author directory on PAUSE. I 
> can do that for you Ned, if you’re happy with that?
>       • Once they’re gone, I’ll drop the first-come on Algorithm::DiffOld
>       • Transfer first-come on Algorithm::Diff from ANDREWC to TYEMQ.
>       • If NEDKONZ still wants co-maint on this distribution, then add 
> co-maint for him to Algorithm::Diff::_impl
>       • I note as well that Algorithm::Diff could do with a bit of attention. 
> Tye: If you don’t have the time or inclination to maintain it, would you be 
> happy for me to try and find an appropriate maintainer? There are quite a few 
> CPAN distributions dependent on Algorithm-Diff, so we’d be careful on who 
> we’d consider appropriate.
> How does the above sound?
> Thanks,
> Neil

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