> Am 30.07.2020 um 23:56 schrieb Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com>:
> Hi Jens,
>> The Co-Maint of Hash-Merge told me today he has no permissions to upload a 
>> new distribution and I took a look, the permissions are entirely gone.
>> Can someone explain this? Can you please restore the correct permissions?
> I have a copy of 06perms.txt from earlier this month, and can see that the 
> permissions were:
>    Hash::Merge,DMUEY,c
>    Hash::Merge,HERMES,c
>    Hash::Merge,MNEYLON,c
>    Hash::Merge,REHSACK,f
> But all of those permissions have disappeared. My file is from 6th July, and 
> I notice that Stefan (HERMES) did a release on 9th July. So it looks like the 
> act of indexing that release dropped the permission, maybe? I guess this 
> relates to https://github.com/andk/pause/issues/348
> Andreas: if you haven’t added these back by the time I wake up in the 
> morning, I’ll reindex to generate the first-come, and then put back the right 
> permissions.
> Neil
Hi Neil,

thank you very much.

Best regards
Jens Rehsack - rehs...@gmail.com

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