I haven't done any work on XML::Feed since I worked at Six Apart and I 
have no plans to do any in the future.

>From my end I have no problems handing maintainership off to Dave but 
the module was originally Ben's and I don't want to speak for him.

On Sun, Jul 26, 2020 at 11:42:32PM +0100, Neil Bowers said:
>    I’m one of the PAUSE admins; I’m working through distributions where
>    multiple people have first-come permissions on different
>    packages. These days PAUSE tries to ensure that the lead author retains
>    first-come on all packages, regardless of who first releases them[1].
>    For the XML-Feed distribution, BTROTT has first-come on some modules,
>    SIMONW on others, and MSTROUT on one other. But DAVECROSS has done all
>    the releases since 2011.
>    So I wonder if the best solution would be to give DAVECROSS first-come
>    on all packages, and the rest of your would have co-maint. Everyone ok
>    with that?
>    Cheers,
>    Neil
>    [1] [https://neilb.org/2020/07/24/inconsistent-permissions.html]https:/
>    /neilb.org/2020/07/24/inconsistent-permissions.html

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