On Thu, 16 Jan 2020 23:04:55 +0000
Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com> wrote:

> A number of people volunteered to take on TimeDate and address the breakage.
> Thank you to all who did.
> Given this distribution is fairly far up the CPAN River (more than 8700 other
> CPAN distributions ultimately dependent on it), the PAUSE admins had a
> discussion on who was the best candidate, in terms of CPAN experience, the
> support they have, etc.
> As a result we selected Nicolas R (ATOOMIC). I have transferred first-come
> indexing permission on all packages in the distribution to ATOOMIC. Graham
> retains co-maint.


> This also points out that we could do with some kind of monitoring system, to
> spots sudden changes in CPAN test results (without a new release). In this
> case lots of people noticed that things started failing, but earlier warning
> in the right place would be useful.
> Thanks also to Graham for being happy to pass this on, and his work in
> getting it to this point.
> Neil


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