Hi PAUSE admins, 

 The DBD::Mock module appears to have been abandoned and I'd like to
request to be considered by yourselves to take on ownership for it (my

 I've made the following attempts to contact the authors: 

 * On the 18th June I sent Email 1 (see below) to the module authors to
find out how best to submit patches for DBD::Mock - no responses were
received other than one invalid email address error. 

 * On the 28th June I sent Email 1 again, but this time time I sent it
to their cpan.org email addresses in case the email addresses they have
listed in the modules documentation is no longer being read - again no
responses were received. 

 * On the 5th July I contacted the current module owner (Mariano
Wahlmann - PAUSE ID: DICHI) via twitter (@mwahlmann), asking if he still
maintains the DBD::Mock module. He replied that he no longer maintains
it. I offered to take on ownership of the module but didn't receive a
response (Twitter thread:

 * On the 18th July I tried contacting Mariano Wahlmann via Twitter
again to inform him that I hadn't been able to get a response from any
of the listed maintainers and that I was going to ask yourselves to
transfer ownership of the module to me so that it could be maintained
and if he objected to reply to the thread - there was no reply. (Twitter
thread: https://twitter.com/JLCooper2/status/1151830885613916160) 

 * On the 26th July I sent Email 2 (see below) to the maintainers of the
module stating that I'd come to the conclusion that the module is no
longer being maintained and that I was going to ask yourselves to
consider transferring ownership to myself - again there has been no

 Jason Cooper 

Email 1:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Submitting patches for DBD::Mock
Date: 2019-06-18 05:32
From: Jason Cooper <scraph...@heckrothindustries.co.uk>
To: Mariano Wahlmann <dich...@gmail.com>, ch...@cwinters.com,
ste...@iinteractive.com, rob.kin...@gmail.com 

 I've been using DBD::Mock for a while and find it really effective. 

I've got a few patches I'd like to submit for inclusion in the
DBD::Mock module, which lists you all as authors. If you could let me
know how you would like me to submit them then I'll get them ready for

I have noticed that there hasn't been a release since 2012. While there
could be many reasons for this, if it's simply due to a lack of time
then i'm more than happy to be added as maintainer of the module if that
would help.

 Jason Cooper 

Email 2:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Submitting patches for DBD::Mock
Date: 2019-07-26 14:03
From: Jason Cooper <scraph...@heckrothindustries.co.uk>
To: ch...@cwinters.com, ste...@iinteractive.com, rob.kin...@gmail.com,
Mariano Wahlmann <dich...@gmail.com> 

 Apologies for emailing yourselves again, but I'm still trying to find
an active maintainer of the DBD::Mock Perl Module. I've spoken to the
last maintainer to make a release (Mariano Wahlmann) on twitter [
https://twitter.com/JLCooper2/status/1147033528296714241 ] and he's said
that he's no longer an active maintainer. 

As I haven't had a response to my previous email last month, where I
was asking about the best way to supply patches, I've come to the
conclusion that the module no longer has any active maintainers. As the
module is still very useful, I'm planning to make a request to the PAUSE
admins to add me as a maintainer. 

If you object to this then please reply to this email letting me know -
Alternatively, if you are happy for me to take over maintenance then
please add me to the module as a maintainer (PAUSE ID: JLCOOPER). 

 Jason Cooper 

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