Dear PAUSE Admins, Can you give me co-maint for *vars::i* please? This was written by *D. H.* ( *PODMASTER*), and last released in *Nov. 2003*.
I emailed *D.H.* on *Mar. 28*, and again 2 weeks later, but haven't had any reply. I tried to track him down via Internet searches but without success. Searching by initials is hard! I've cc'd him on this email. Also, his last release was in Jan. 2005. Back in 2011, someone else tried to find him without success - see link in the previous message. I've cloned the github repo and have fixed the open bug in RT. If I get co-maint, I'll release my fixed version, and also add metadata for the repo and license type, and tidy up the Changes file. My next release is currently on CPAN as Acme::CXW::vars::i, and the matrix is green. My PAUSE id is CXW. Thanks for considering this request! Chris Sent from my smartphone ---------- Forwarded message --------- From:Christopher White <> Date: Thu, Apr 11, 2019, 8:36 PM Subject: Re: Perl vars::i bugfix [RT #108844] To: <> Cc: <>, <> Podmaster, I am following up on my email below. Would you accept a contribution to fix the captioned issue in vars::i? I would be happy to do the release if you don't have time. Would you please let me know either way? Thank you! Chris White (CXW) PAUSE admins, Per and , Podmaster appears to have dropped off the map. Do you happen to have any alternative contact info? Thanks! Chris Fix at: (TRIAL release: ) Sent from my smartphone On Thu, Mar 28, 2019, 7:21 AM Christopher White <> wrote: > Podmaster, > > My name is Chris White, CXW on cpan. I have fixed the one open issue in > your vars::i package, RT #108844. May I send you the code for an updated > release? Alternatively, I would be happy to take care of it if you were > willing to give me co-maint privileges. Would you please let me know your > preference? Thank you! > > Chris > > Sent from my smartphone >