>>>>> On Fri, 17 Aug 2018 14:32:43 +0100, Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com> 
>>>>> said:

  > As part of the ongoing rationalisation of the LWP distributions and
  > github org, Olaf and I had a look at packages where the first-come is
  > assigned to LWWWP.

  > This pause ID is associated with the libwww-perl mailing list, and
  > shouldn’t really have permissions.

Just a reminder (off the top of my head) how mailinglists work: a
mailinglist ID never has a password and never has a homedirectory, but
it has permissions. The permissions are used by those people who have
the right to use or abuse the mailinglist permissions.

If nobody wants the mailinglist LWWWP to continue to exist, that's fine
by me.


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