Yes, go ahead. Great that someone takes the time to maintain this module. Regards,
Jaap On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 4:32 PM Neil Bowers <> wrote: > Hi Kim, > > I adopted the File::BaseDir module a while ago. I fixed several bugs and > made a few releases. But I can’t understand how most of it works and don’t > have a Linux environment which it needs for full testing. > > So I changed the permissions in PUASE to let others adopt it. In the > meantime, I was sent a patch which I applied and released as version 0.08. > The release failed, as module ownership had now reverted to PARDUS (*Jaap > Karssenberg*) who I think maintained it at some stage . I contacted Jaap, > but he knew nothing about now having ownership and hasn’t used PAUSE for > over 10 years. The RT bugs for this module have also been transferred to > him. > > So the problem is how to get latest version released. I think some of the > bugs have also been fixed and could be closed > > > Would you like to have first-come permissions again, since you’ve done all > the recent releases, and Jaap hasn’t done any CPAN releases for a good > while. > > Jaap, are you ok with permissions being transferred (back) to Kim? If so, > I can then re-index his 0.08 release. > > Cheers, > Neil > > >