Hi Avi! More than a month ago I wrote you a letter about your module Image::Compare. Besides it I wrote you a message on Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/skrewtape). Unfortunately you haven't answered neither the letter nor the message.
In the module there are some mistakes. They are mentioned in https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Image-Compare. Probably you are very busy and so I'd like to help fix the mistakes. Could you make me a comaintainer of the module? I would fix the mistakes and post the module on GitHub. Thank you. 2016-12-09 17:09 GMT+03:00 Михаил Иванов <m.ivan...@gmail.com>: > Hi, Avi! > > My name is Mikhail Ivanov (PAUSE_ID - IVANYCH). > > I use your module Image::Compare in my work. Unfortunately you haven't > updated the module for long time and now there are some problems in it ( > https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Image-Compare). > You possibly lost interest in this module or maybe you're too busy and > have no time to renew the module. > > I'd like to fix this error. Maybe you could make me a co-maintainer of > the module? I will fix the error and post repository of the module on > github.com. > > Thank you. > > -- > Михаил Иванов > mailto: m.ivan...@gmail.com > -- Михаил Иванов mailto: m.ivan...@gmail.com