Hi Avi!

More than a month ago I wrote you a letter about your module Image::Compare.
Besides it I wrote you a message on Facebook (
https://www.facebook.com/skrewtape). Unfortunately you haven't answered
neither the letter nor the message.

In the module there are some mistakes. They are mentioned in

Probably you are very busy and so I'd like to help fix the mistakes. Could
you make me a comaintainer of the module? I would fix the mistakes and post
the module on GitHub.

Thank you.

2016-12-09 17:09 GMT+03:00 Михаил Иванов <m.ivan...@gmail.com>:

> Hi, Avi!
> My name is Mikhail Ivanov (PAUSE_ID -  IVANYCH).
> I use your module Image::Compare in my work. Unfortunately you haven't
> updated the module for  long time and now there are some problems in it (
> https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Image-Compare).
> You possibly lost interest in this module or maybe you're too busy and
> have no time to renew the module.
> I'd like to fix this error. Maybe you could make me a co-maintainer of
> the module? I will fix the error and post repository of the module on
> github.com.
> Thank you.
> --
> Михаил Иванов
> mailto: m.ivan...@gmail.com

Михаил Иванов
mailto: m.ivan...@gmail.com

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