Hi Martin, > Hello, I am Martin Thurn, my PAUSE id is MTHURN. I would like to take > ownership of Shell::POSIX::Select, which has not been updated in 13 years but > has six issues in RT > https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Status=Active;Name=Shell-POSIX-Select > > <https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Status=Active;Name=Shell-POSIX-Select> > . I emailed its owner, Tim Maher, at his yu...@cpan.org > <mailto:yu...@cpan.org> address, which bounced back. His websites > www.consultix-inc.com <http://www.consultix-inc.com/> and www.teachMePerl.com > <http://www.teachmeperl.com/> are gone. I messaged Tim on Facebook several > weeks ago but he never replied. (According to Facebook, he is fully retired > and seems to be enjoying life away from computers 8-)
I’ve been trying to contact Martin since you sent your request, and also haven’t managed to get a response from him. As you say, it looks like he’s enjoying retirement away from CPAN. I’ve given you co-maint for now, so you can do a release. I’ll keep trying to contact Tim — I’ve suggested to him that we give you ownership. In the meantime, if you do a number of releases over the next year or so and demonstrate ongoing maintenance, at that point we’ll be happy to give you first-come permissions. Or if Tim responds to either of us! :-) Thanks for stepping up to fix the bugs. Cheers, Neil