Hi Will,

> I'm the new maintainer for the Apache::FileManager and Apache2::FileManager 
> distributions.

> When viewing the PAUSE permissions for A::FM, I see 2 entries, myself 
> (WBRASWELL) and user PMC.  I am listed as the "first come" and PMC is listed 
> as "co-maint"; I am listed as "owner" for both entries.
> On the A2::FM permissions, I also see 2 entries, myself and user DAVVID.  I 
> am listed as the "first come" while DAVVID is "modulelist".  Unlike A::FM, I 
> am listed as "owner" for only 1 entry, while DAVVID is listed as "owner" for 
> his A2::FM permission entry.
> Can you please explain why DAVVID is listed as modulelist instead co-maint?
> And also, why am I listed as owner on both A::FM permission entries, but only 
> on 1 of the A2::FM entries?

If you look in 06perms.txt (the export from PAUSE which says what the 
permissions are), you’ll see that the entries for A2::FM are:


PAUSE showing DAVVID as modulelist is left-over from before we removed the 
module-list permissions. You are the effective owner, as only first-come and 
co-maint are considered now.

Once someone with PAUSE internals knowledge has the tuits, these parts of the 
PAUSE UI will be updated to remove all the module-list perms stuff.


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