
Just a quick follow-up to try to get in contact with you about adopting 
Log::Any::Adapter::Syslog into the core Log::Any distribution. I've talked with 
SDT, a co-maint and the latest releaser for the module 
<https://github.com/sdt/Log-Any-Adapter-Syslog/issues/4>), and he agrees that 
this would be a good idea. But I can't do that without at least co-maint 
permissions for Log::Any::Adapter::Syslog.

If you could log in to pause.perl.org <http://pause.perl.org/> and add me to 
the co-maint list, or transfer primary maintainership, I could add this module 
to the core Log-Any to make it available to everyone using Log::Any.


Doug Bell

> On Dec 7, 2016, at 6:00 PM, Doug Bell <d...@preaction.me> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was thinking it'd be nice to be able to log to a system's native log 
> facilities out-of-the-box in Log::Any. To do this, it'd be easiest to adopt 
> the Log::Any::Adapter::Syslog package into the Log-Any distribution. Would 
> you be willing to give me co-maintainership (or even transfer primary 
> maintainership) so that I could do this? I would be transferring the full Git 
> history and maintaining the appropriate copyright attributions from the 
> existing project.
> Here's the discussion that SDT and I have been having on Github: 
> https://github.com/sdt/Log-Any-Adapter-Syslog/issues/4 
> <https://github.com/sdt/Log-Any-Adapter-Syslog/issues/4>
> Thanks,
> Doug Bell
> d...@preaction.me <mailto:d...@preaction.me>

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