Hi, I was wondering if there was a reason why the PAUSE index for Asterisk::AMI was still pointing to version 0.2.5 while the latest version on cpan.org<http://cpan.org> is v0.2.8? A maintainer or pause admin may need to force a reindex on pause.perl.org<http://pause.perl.org>.
The PAUSE index affects which version is downloadable as latest in the cpan client as well as metacpan. http://search.cpan.org/~greenbean/Asterisk-AMI-v0.2.8/lib/Asterisk/AMI.pm Thanks, [cid:3440074292_44049292] François Beaulieu Bureau: 514.667.0691 poste 2061 Courriel: francois.beaul...@sbktelecom.com<mailto:francois.beaul...@sbktelecom.com> | web: www.sbktelecom.com<http://www.sbktelecom.com/>