Hi again Frey,

In November I emailed you:
> In early September I emailed you:
>> I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m emailing you because I’m working on 
>> resolving conflicts caused by PAUSE now considering package names case 
>> insensitively. This has left us with some situations where two or more 
>> people are owners of namespaces previously considered distinct, and now 
>> considered the same.
>> Frey has ownership of MCrypt (last released in 2000), and Theo has ownership 
>> of Mcrypt (last released in 2007). These are now considered the same from a 
>> permissions perspective, resulting in a conflict, which wouldn’t let anyone 
>> release a new version.
>> There are at least ways we can resolve this:
>> 1. One of you could rename this to Crypt::MCrypt or similar
>> 2. I noticed that MCrypt won’t install under any recent versions of Perl:
>>      http://matrix.cpantesters.org/?dist=MCrypt
>>   So maybe the quickest solution would be to delete MCrypt from CPAN,
>>   if Frey is ok with that? I can do that for you.
> Frey, are you happy to delete your MCrypt distribution from CPAN, and to drop 
> your permissions on the MCrypt namespace?
> If I don’t hear anything from you, I’ll drop your permissions on the 
> namespace next week.

Unless I hear otherwise, I’ll drop your permissions on MCrypt tomorrow. Please 
let me know if you’re happy for me to schedule deletion of your releases of 
MCrypt as well — I’m happy to do that for you.


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