Hi Gisle, Olaf requested co-maint on a bunch of LWP and related modules: > We're working hard in https://github.com/libwww-perl to merge bug fixes on > the various modules in the org. We are blocked on releasing some (not all) > of these distributions since no active members of the org have co-maint. I'd > like to request co-maint on all of the modules in the org so that I (in > addition to ETHER) can also release to CPAN. > > The relevant distributions are: > > HTTP-Cookies > libwww-perl > HTTP-Message > LWP-Protocol-https > Net-HTTP > URI > > My PAUSE id is OALDERS.
I gave him co-maint for the modules that were owned by pause id LWWWP. Are you happy for me to give him co-maint for the modules where you have the first-come permission? Cheers, Neil