( as of the writing of this email no action is necessary - I am just making the current situation known to avoid further escalation )

Greetings PAUSE admins,

I am writing in the capacity of FIRSTCOME on the DBIx::Class distribution namespace ( granted to me years ago ). I have been in the (slower than anticipated) process of wrapping up my involvement with that distribution[1] and arranging for a "transfer of power" [2](2nd-to-last paragraph).

Matt Trout, the former project founder who all but stopped working on things in 2010 [3], inquired about the situation back on 2015-12-08 on IRC and was informed about my plans as outlined in [2]. In the same conversation he indicated to be content with what is about to happen.

As of the past 2 months or so, mst's stance changed, with increasing demands to hand maint to 5 people of his choosing (something he refers to as "the DBIC team", which is... perplexing to say the least). The harassment culminated this morning with an SMS I received at 1:40am UTC:

Please do be aware that my last email is your last chance to cooperate with 
your team, and ignoring it may push reality down another path.

I am writing to this list, as I have strong reasons to believe mst is about to abuse his power as PAUSE admin, preventing me from exercising my author rights as currently (Sep 2016) recognized by PAUSE ( outlined towards the middle of [4] ).

This belief is backed by antics like [5] and by mst already having abused his oper privileges on irc.perl.org: the irc channel #dbix-class was registered by me together with #sql-translator and #dbic-cabal back on 2014-07-21 18:00 UTC, yet with zero communication from any IRC oper the current stats read:

-ChanServ-      Channel: #sql-translator
-ChanServ-      Founder: ribasushi << ONLINE >>
-ChanServ-   Registered: 2 years 8 weeks (10h 29m 33s) ago
-ChanServ-    Last Used: 9 hours 27 minutes 16 seconds ago
-ChanServ-      Options: Secure

-ChanServ-      Channel: #dbix-class
-ChanServ-      Founder: mst, last seen: 12 weeks 2 days (9h 22m 18s) ago
-ChanServ-   Registered: 12 weeks 2 days (9h 22m 18s) ago
-ChanServ-    Last Used: 7 weeks 5 days (16h 58m 58s) ago
-ChanServ-      Options: Secure

I did not raise an alarm about this, as I avoid speaking in these channels lately anyway. But I did notice.

I am however not yet done with what I have to do within CPAN. As per [2] the end is not far - in fact I have less than 2 weeks to ship the best thing I can given the circumstances. After that I will do said permission transfers as promised in [6]. And no - it will not be MSTROUT, nor a member of the mythical team.

As I said in the first line of this email: as it stands there is no action necessary from any of the admins, and I sincerely hope it remains this way. I am writing this as my last response to the (silly from my POV) conversation with mst, doubling as "here are my intentions in case something unfortunate happens to my PAUSE account".

Thank you, and sorry for the noise

P.S. mst: PLONK (as per your request [7])

[1] http://dbix-class.35028.n2.nabble.com/Re-Traffic-pattern-changes-ahead-td7578918.html [2] http://dbix-class.35028.n2.nabble.com/Re-Traffic-pattern-changes-ahead-td7578918.html#a7578965
[3] https://github.com/dbsrgits/dbix-class/graphs/contributors
[4] https://gist.github.com/ribasushi/74ce356123ede727e90f#file-2015-02-20-md
[5] http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.modules/2016/04/msg95014.html
[6] http://blogs.perl.org/users/peter_rabbitson/2015/12/suspending-efforts-on-my-riba2016-crowdfunding-campaign-looking-forward-to-my-own-xmas.html
[7] https://twitter.com/shadowcat_mst/status/773954401614589952

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